
Data Collection Policy

The App Fair Project prioritizes user privacy and strives to be transparent about our data collection practices. Our general policy is to minimize data collection and only gather information with your explicit consent. This page summarizes our data collection policies and explains how you can control your data.

1. Data We Collect

We collect the following types of data, only when you provide explicit consent:

1.1 Account Information

When you create an App Fair account, we collect your email address and username. This information is used to authenticate your account and provide you with personalized services.

1.2 Usage Data

We may collect anonymous usage data, such as app downloads and search queries, to improve our platform and provide better recommendations. This data is aggregated and does not contain any personally identifiable information.

1.3 Device Information

We may collect basic device information, such as your operating system and screen resolution, to optimize the App Fair experience for your device.

2. Data Controls

You have full control over your data and can manage your preferences at any time.

2.1 Account Deletion

You can delete your App Fair account at any time, which will permanently remove your account information from our servers.

2.2 Data Export

You can request an export of your account data, which will be provided in a machine-readable format.

2.3 Opt-Out of Data Collection

You can opt-out of usage data collection and device information collection in your account settings.

3. Data Security

We take data security seriously and implement industry-standard practices to protect your information. This includes encryption, access controls, and regular security audits.

4. Third-Party Apps

Please note that apps available on the App Fair may have their own data collection policies. We encourage you to review the privacy policies of each app before using them.

5. Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about our data collection policies, please feel free to contact us at

Last updated: March 28, 2024